sunnuntai 27. helmikuuta 2011


Okay, so now this day finally arrived! At 6 p.m the airplane leaves from Vaasa to Helsinki and finally BANGKOK! We will be in Thailand on Monday 2 p.m local time. Now I have partyed 3 days, so I guess I had seen everyone and said hi (which is stupic cuz I'm soon here back anyway :D )to everyone. 

What I still have to do is PACK! It's really hard to decide what to take with me. But what I don't have that I don't need!:) I'm still going to meet my dear friends Kati, Tanja and Juha today and after that we are heading to the huge Vaasa airport and the travel begins!! Wohoooo!! I will write the next time from Paradiseeee :D See you later alligators!

With these feelings I'm going to the new adventures! La-gon!

torstai 24. helmikuuta 2011


So now I have my very first own blog. I thought that I will share you guys my amazing three months in Thailand for those who are intrested :D Still have to do a home tent, clean the house, have a party tomorrow and pack. On Sunday evening we are leaving from Vaasa, yippeeeeiiii :D

This picture is from my last working day, we had a beach/summer theme 'cuz of me :)