maanantai 2. tammikuuta 2012

2 days!

Okay just two days left and still not gettin' it that we are really going somewhere..:D We had a party yesterday for our friends at a pub called El Gringo where we both have been working. I got sick on Friday while I was working and couldn't work at all on Saturday, New Years Eve..not fun! :( So yesterday I felt a bit better and thought that I have to go to the party 'cuz we had arranged that already..but it happened to be a really bad idea, cuz today when I woke up, I had fever 39 degrees and throat was hurting badly. So I had to go to the doctor and take some tests..hope I will get better before Wednesday when we are leaving! Here some photos of yesterday :)

Hugging with brother <3
Party card :D

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