maanantai 20. helmikuuta 2012

Laos - Vang Vieng

It has been quite long time since my last text, so I've done a lot of things after that. Right now I'm in Vang Vieng, came about 2 weeks ago with Niina and Piia. A day after my aussie friends Kristy and Vlad came as well. We have been tubing almost everyday at the river. One day we rented some atv's and drove to Blue lagoon place, which is about 7 km away. The road is really horrible but we managed! The water was so nice compared to the river. We went to see a cave as well, beautiful!

I have been working in a bar by the river for about 4 days now, really hard work!! :D On last saturday we got invited to a Lao wedding, it was awesome! We were the only foreigners there! It was quite big wedding, a lot of food and beer. After we ate everyone went dancing including us. The lao dance is so different what we are used to, but we tried and it went pretty good, that's what they told us :) I'm going to be here still for about a week and then I think it's time to head back home..a bit sad about that but also miss my family and friends! 

The cave


Blue Lagoon

Barber shop :D

THE river

Some kind of snake whiskey

Driving the atv's and being careful with the cows

Mojito bar

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