maanantai 9. toukokuuta 2011

Laos part II 28.4-7.5

Yes it's true, I went to Laos AGAIN! :D My friend was going and asked if I want to go with her and why not?!? Place is so amazing that I could go there for the third time! So we took the bus at 7 pm on 27th of May and were in Vang Vieng on 28th of May round 2 pm, long ride but totally worth it!

We were almost every day (except one) tubing by the river. I was working for 8 days this time. Actually I can't call it working because I was just helping the bar a bit and it was so much fun! Basicly I was talking to people, playing games, taking empty cans away from the tables and watching that everyone is safe on the slide! :) 

Cup noodles on the way

Me and Kaisa

Bus to Laos

Coolest hat EVER!

Crazy motorbike taxi back to town :D

Pike and Alicia from Jungle bar

Do I have to say more?

Sky is the limit

Tukei - worlds't biggest gekko

Just have to love it

Niki from Jungle bar

Jungle bar and the slide

Locals are afraid of the sun

Best bosses in town! :)

Happy and tired on the train (see my new t-shirt :D )

I can warmly recommend that place to anyone! Got so many new friends again! Maybe next year back again, who knows?!? :D

2 kommenttia:

  1. Ihana kuulla (tai no lukea :D ) susta pitkästä aikaa! :)

  2. Joo ei oo oikeen ehtiny olla koneella, ollu vähä kiireitä :D Enää 2 päivää koulua ja sit todistusten jako ja farewell party ja sit nokka kohti koh phangania ja full moon partyja :D Ja pian sit jo nähdään!! <3
