sunnuntai 17. huhtikuuta 2011

Laos 7-16.4

Blue Lagoon

On the river

Jungle shots


Candles in the cave

Me and some american girls at river bar

Spray tattoos

Words can't be described



Swedish meatballs and lingonberry jam :P

Foam party at Vientiene

Heading back to Thailand in the back of a pick up car

Sleeper train

Ryan from Jungle bar

Henry the frog

Some water buffalos

The swing

The cutest little girl ever!

Lao new year dinner with some locals
Greetings from Laos!

I left with Sammy and Jon on Thursday night at 9 p.m with a sleeper train to Laos. Slept the whole trip (10 hours) to Nong Khai. From there we had to take a tuktuk to get the visa and then a van to the boarder.
After when all that was finally done we still had to take us to Vang Vieng. With a minivan it took about 5 hours to get there. Then we looked for Jonny's guesthouse where all the others where too and after finding that we headed to the river. There were a lot of people drinking and dancing and many different bars. We had a few beers and started finally the holiday! :)
Spent the whole friday day at the river. Later that night I accidently saw Anni (my friend from Vaasa) on the street! I didn't have any clue that she is in Laos and Vang Vieng! It was so funny! :D What a small world!

On Saturday we went for a kayak trip. We were kayaking for about 4 hours, stopped for a swim, drinks and a cave. Saw a crocodile in the beginning of the trip! How cool is that!! :D After the trip I felt really sick (fever), so I just stayed that night at bed.

On Sunday we went rafting with the guys from Jungle bar. On Monday I didn't felt so good again, still fever so stayed just in town, doing some shopping, went to pharmacy and slept almost the whole day. Later it started to rain really hard for a half an hour. On Tuesday I spent the whole day at the river and had a Lao new year dinner with locals. I got beer and food for free! :D There was the cutest little girl ever! I played with her for hours! :) Later that night just chilling in the hammocks.

On Friday we went to Vientiene which is the capital of Laos. Stayed there one night and celebrated the Lao new year! It was crazy! The whole country is a big water fight!:D People were throwing water with buckets, water balloons and shooting with waterguns! I was lucky I bought a waterproof bag! Later that night went out for a dinner and tasted some crocodile, it was really delicious! :P

Laos was amazing place! They asked if we want to work there for summer..I really want to go back there, but maybe not now..:/ Back to Finland, make some money and then back!! :D

For some reason can't add pictures right now, will do that later.

2 kommenttia:

  1. Apuaaaa,ihanan näköstä ja huippuja kuvia!! :) Ja aaah,alko tekee mieli lihapullii,ku näin sen lihapulla-annoksen :DD
    Kivaa viikonloppua sinne rakas serkku <3

  2. Ja niin ihana paikka, osa sydamesta tais jaada sinne! :) Kiitos samoin! Olet rakas <3 Miss ya!
