maanantai 4. huhtikuuta 2011

Fun week!

Last week was fun! Training, movies, talking with my dear little brother on skype and had the first Muay thai (thai boxing) lessons! I liked the boxing soooo much! Also it was a bit easier 'cuz I trained kickboxing and body combat before. The ones who liked it, can join the continuing course, which I'm definitely going to do! So we are going to have boxing three times a week, loving it!

On wednesday we played a charity game for Japan against the media, which we unfortunately lost 2-3.


On the weekend I was at Khaosan road (again), Rangsit and Lop Buri. Lop Buri is the monkey town. It was really fun to see all the monkeys running wild in the whole town!:) So we feed the monkeys (one of them stole my bag full of sunflower seeds) and saw some old ruins there. The next day I noticed that my wallet was gone! Had no idea if I left it somewhere, if someone took it from the hotel room or if the monkeys took it..Not cool! Had quite a lot of money and of course all my cards there..Luckily my dear mum took care of it and closed all the cards! Thanks to her!!<3

The trip back wasn't that nice 'cuz I was just thinking about the lost wallet all the time. Train took about 2 hours back to Rangsit from Lop Buri. We went to see still some market place at Rangsit, but couldn't find anything. Today we went on a school trip again to see some buffalos and buddhas. The day was way too long and sitting (sleeping) too much in the bus. But later we went to the Barbeque place to eat where you cook your own food from a buffet and you can eat as much as you can! That's awesome!

2 kommenttia:

  1. Moi rakas Annika-tyttäreni!
    Vaikka olet niin kaukana, olet kuitenkin sydämessäni koko ajan. Kuinka saisin lievennettyä ikävääni??? Onneksi mieltäni rauhoittaa edes vähän, kun välillä saan kuulla äänesi puhelimitse ja lukea viestejäsi. Vaikka mua jännittääkin oleskelusi siellä ja huoleni, että kaikki menisi hyvin, olen ylpeä rohkeudestasi ja reippaudestasi. Olen taustatukenasi täältä koti-Suomesta päin ja olen luottavaisella mielellä! Nauti ja koe hienoja hetkiä siellä kaukana, mutta muista kuitenkin olla varovainen. HALEJA, HALEJA! Riitta-äitisi

  2. Hei rakas äiti!
    Kyllä säkin oot mun mielessä päivittäin! Yritän mahdollisimman paljon ja usein kirjotella tänne jotain kuulumisia. Huomenna lähtö Laosiin, joten seuraavaan päivitykseen menee parisen viikkoa. Laitan jotain viestiä kun pääsen perille :)
    Haleja <3
