maanantai 28. maaliskuuta 2011

I'm alive!

Haven't written anything for a looong time, 'cuz internet at the apartment hasn't been working and now my computer is messed up! Hopefully I will get it fixed!

So what have I been doing lately..We have school from Mon to Thu 9-16. After that have been working out, went to the cinema, shopping or bowling. There is a lot of things to do here :) I also tried Sake for the first time here in a Japanese restaurant, and I liked it! :P

We were on a overnight trip near Hua Hin for two weeks ago with the school buddies. The place was really nice and also the bungalows! We had many different games and activities there, delicious thai food, pool and beach :) The camp was fun but a few games too much..Here is a picture from the place.

Last weekend I was supposed to go to Koh Samet but unfortunately missed the I spent the weekend in Rangsit and Bangkok, partying quite a lot :D Thursday was bowling and then getting to know some new people from the university. Friday and Saturday I went to Bangkok, Khaosan road. Party partyyy! It was a lot of fun! Tried also some different food..Had one big scorpion, worms, grasshopper and different insects! They were okay, eatable but really salty.
I try to write soon again, having a great time here!!:)

2 kommenttia:

  1. MATOJA ...YÄK!! Ja sä et voi muka syödä juustoa :D

  2. Madot maistui ihan ranuilta, eli paljo parempaa ku juusto!!:D
