sunnuntai 13. maaliskuuta 2011

Koh Samui

On Friday 4th March at 3 am we went to the Bangkok domestic airport and took the flight to Surat Thani. From there we took bus and ferry to the beautiful island Koh Samui. There we took a big taxi and found us some cheap bungalows to everyone. We had a dinner at the beach and then few of us went to the beach party with firelimbo and fireshows and people dancing and drinking, that was fun! 

The next day me and the guys rented scooter so we can see more about the island. So we went with Angelica, Sara, Jakub and Ville to a beautiful waterfall place. We started to walk up the mountain in the jungle (only with sandals!) and just climbed more and more and up and up. We took a quick dip in to the water and looked the amazing view and then kept climbing again. At the end we were at the top of the mountain and then had no idea what way we should go. So then we just picked a way and walked and found some really small and nice places where the thai people for sure never saw a white person before! :D That was awesome! But after like 4 hours of climbing we were so tired so we just asked if we could get arrive back down, so we sat behind of a grand new Hilux, it was so nice! Same time we could just enjoy the views and wind :)
The trip was really exhausting, scary and fun and we were happy that we made it!

Later that night we all went to Shaweng with the scooters (me and Jonna got a bit lost and drove like 15 km to the wrong way!) and we had some dinner together and I took a pedicure :) Then later at Lamai beach (where were our bungalows) we went out for some drinks and watched the thai girls dancing in the bars! Later we could also do that :D

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