sunnuntai 13. maaliskuuta 2011

Koh Tao

So finally to te last island! On friday 9th we arrived to Koh Tao, the smallest of those islands. Me and the guys took the scooters right away (5 €/day). Finding a bungalow was more difficult as earlier! A small island with many tourists and a lot of divers (most of the bungalows are for them). But then we got some bungalows finally. We went to have a dinner and took a dip at the ocean and then a bit of sleep.

Later we went out with Angelica and Sara. They had a great beach party on Fishbowl bar. We drank Strawberry daiquiries, jäger bombs and some free shots! :P They had a fire show on the beach, it was fun to see. Later they putted a rope on fire and people could go there and jump while they were skipping the rope, of course I was there! :D There were a lot of swedish and english tourists, who we talked to. 

On Thursday 10th we went to Shark Bay with the scooters. We were supposed to snorkel with the sharks, but it was too windy that day, so we couldn't! What a shame! We went to another place to snorkel but no sharks..But nice fish tho :) 

After that we went all to Fishbowl again for some dinner and drinking. And again hopping over fire ropes, FUN! :D Didn't hurt myself, but some guy did a bit for sure! I guess I was just a lot better than him! :D 

On Friday we had to check out 10.30. Few girls were still staying for one night, so we could go to their place to have a shower and stuff. Then we took the ferry to Chumporn at 14oo. After that we had a CRAZY bus trip back to Bangkok. It should take only 6 hours, but it took 9 instead, cuz the bus was broken so they had to fix it in the middle of a highway! But I'm lucky who can sleep everywhere and anytime! :D So we arrived to Bangkok at  3 am and then took a taxi back home!

On Monday the school starts, a bit strange but I will get used to it for sure! :) I will write something more again soon! Take care and don't freeze there!! :D
Still couldn't add some pictures but I will add on facebook.

Kisses, Annika

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