tiistai 1. maaliskuuta 2011

One night in Bangkok

Everything didn't went so well as I planned, I got sick during the trip, like fever and hurted on my throat. So the 10 hours in the plane wasn't so nice :(

Okay, so we arrived yesterday 3 p.m local time to the Bangkok airport. There were about 10 people from Rangsit university waiting for us and then we took the school bus to a big supermarket and then right to the apartments. I also got some medicine, so now I'm feeling a bit better. Apartments are okay, but in our room the aircondition is not working as good as possible, so it's REALLY hot in the room, it was really difficult to sleep the first night, swetting the ass off!
Maybe we will get used to soon, I really hope so!

Today we had to put the school uniform on for the first time, and I can tell that the black skirt can be a bit swetty! :D Today we met some of our teachers and saw a thai boxing performance and then we got lunch. After that they gave us a campus tour (1 hour!) which is REALLY big! They have 15 different buildings and 25 000 students, amazing!! :) It's like a small city :D Tonight they are going to have a party for us, nice :D

The school begins on 14th March, now we are thinking of what to do..Maybe a trip somewhere :D Okay now I have to sleep a while before the party, will write soon again!:) Take care!!
Couldn't add any pictures, but I will do that later for sure!

With sunny greetings,

3 kommenttia:

  1. Voi raukkaparka ku oot heti kipeenä :( Pikaista paranemista <3 <3 <3

  2. Damn, that ain't nice to hear that you got sick. Krya på dej vännen!

    Det släpper garanterat efter ett par dagar...du tog väl med Finrexin? HOPPAS DET! :D

    kram på dej!

  3. Nu borjar det nog vara over, lite hosta har jag kvar. Ingen finrexin sa klart :D
