maanantai 28. maaliskuuta 2011

I'm alive!

Haven't written anything for a looong time, 'cuz internet at the apartment hasn't been working and now my computer is messed up! Hopefully I will get it fixed!

So what have I been doing lately..We have school from Mon to Thu 9-16. After that have been working out, went to the cinema, shopping or bowling. There is a lot of things to do here :) I also tried Sake for the first time here in a Japanese restaurant, and I liked it! :P

We were on a overnight trip near Hua Hin for two weeks ago with the school buddies. The place was really nice and also the bungalows! We had many different games and activities there, delicious thai food, pool and beach :) The camp was fun but a few games too much..Here is a picture from the place.

Last weekend I was supposed to go to Koh Samet but unfortunately missed the I spent the weekend in Rangsit and Bangkok, partying quite a lot :D Thursday was bowling and then getting to know some new people from the university. Friday and Saturday I went to Bangkok, Khaosan road. Party partyyy! It was a lot of fun! Tried also some different food..Had one big scorpion, worms, grasshopper and different insects! They were okay, eatable but really salty.
I try to write soon again, having a great time here!!:)

sunnuntai 13. maaliskuuta 2011

Boring Monday

So today it was supposed to be my first schoolday, but yesterday evening I felt my throat is a bit sensitive. So today I hardly can speak or drink! It's really bloated! So I had to go to the clinic at school, the nurse gave me some tablets, but I have to go there again, 'cuz the doctor wasn't there at that time. So this day I'm going to be just at home and see some movies, not fun! :(

Koh Tao

So finally to te last island! On friday 9th we arrived to Koh Tao, the smallest of those islands. Me and the guys took the scooters right away (5 €/day). Finding a bungalow was more difficult as earlier! A small island with many tourists and a lot of divers (most of the bungalows are for them). But then we got some bungalows finally. We went to have a dinner and took a dip at the ocean and then a bit of sleep.

Later we went out with Angelica and Sara. They had a great beach party on Fishbowl bar. We drank Strawberry daiquiries, jäger bombs and some free shots! :P They had a fire show on the beach, it was fun to see. Later they putted a rope on fire and people could go there and jump while they were skipping the rope, of course I was there! :D There were a lot of swedish and english tourists, who we talked to. 

On Thursday 10th we went to Shark Bay with the scooters. We were supposed to snorkel with the sharks, but it was too windy that day, so we couldn't! What a shame! We went to another place to snorkel but no sharks..But nice fish tho :) 

After that we went all to Fishbowl again for some dinner and drinking. And again hopping over fire ropes, FUN! :D Didn't hurt myself, but some guy did a bit for sure! I guess I was just a lot better than him! :D 

On Friday we had to check out 10.30. Few girls were still staying for one night, so we could go to their place to have a shower and stuff. Then we took the ferry to Chumporn at 14oo. After that we had a CRAZY bus trip back to Bangkok. It should take only 6 hours, but it took 9 instead, cuz the bus was broken so they had to fix it in the middle of a highway! But I'm lucky who can sleep everywhere and anytime! :D So we arrived to Bangkok at  3 am and then took a taxi back home!

On Monday the school starts, a bit strange but I will get used to it for sure! :) I will write something more again soon! Take care and don't freeze there!! :D
Still couldn't add some pictures but I will add on facebook.

Kisses, Annika

Koh Phangan

On Sunday the 6th we checked out at 12oo, then took a big taxi to Big Buddha. Then we took the ferry to Koh Phangan. Choosing the bungalow wasn't that easy as we thought it would be. We were a group of 12 peolpe so what can you think. But later the guys went to see some bungalows with scooters and they found a great place with cheap price. We were just relaxing at the pool, cuz everyone was so tired of all the trip. 

The next day we all had scooter and we went to another waterfall place. It was as long as the other one, but nice views anyway! Then me, Angelica, Sara and the boys decided to drive around the island. So we were heading to the north and I saw a archery place just on the way, so we went there and did some archering, that was great! :) Then we continued driving and got to the other side of the island! We got some lunch and then took a boat and went snorkeling! I was a bit scared all the time, cuz you never know what can be under you :D It was fun tho!

On tuesday the 8th we decided with Jonna, Jenna, Lotta and Janita that we will go and find a better beach, so we were driving and driving and finally found it! It was amazing place with white clean sand and almost no-one on the beach, how cool is that!! We were enjoying a while and then we decided to take a thai massage, 1 hour and it was only 7,5 €! It was really good and afterwards you had this harmoniac feeling :) Then we had some lunch and went back to bungalows.

Koh Samui

On Friday 4th March at 3 am we went to the Bangkok domestic airport and took the flight to Surat Thani. From there we took bus and ferry to the beautiful island Koh Samui. There we took a big taxi and found us some cheap bungalows to everyone. We had a dinner at the beach and then few of us went to the beach party with firelimbo and fireshows and people dancing and drinking, that was fun! 

The next day me and the guys rented scooter so we can see more about the island. So we went with Angelica, Sara, Jakub and Ville to a beautiful waterfall place. We started to walk up the mountain in the jungle (only with sandals!) and just climbed more and more and up and up. We took a quick dip in to the water and looked the amazing view and then kept climbing again. At the end we were at the top of the mountain and then had no idea what way we should go. So then we just picked a way and walked and found some really small and nice places where the thai people for sure never saw a white person before! :D That was awesome! But after like 4 hours of climbing we were so tired so we just asked if we could get arrive back down, so we sat behind of a grand new Hilux, it was so nice! Same time we could just enjoy the views and wind :)
The trip was really exhausting, scary and fun and we were happy that we made it!

Later that night we all went to Shaweng with the scooters (me and Jonna got a bit lost and drove like 15 km to the wrong way!) and we had some dinner together and I took a pedicure :) Then later at Lamai beach (where were our bungalows) we went out for some drinks and watched the thai girls dancing in the bars! Later we could also do that :D

tiistai 1. maaliskuuta 2011

One night in Bangkok

Everything didn't went so well as I planned, I got sick during the trip, like fever and hurted on my throat. So the 10 hours in the plane wasn't so nice :(

Okay, so we arrived yesterday 3 p.m local time to the Bangkok airport. There were about 10 people from Rangsit university waiting for us and then we took the school bus to a big supermarket and then right to the apartments. I also got some medicine, so now I'm feeling a bit better. Apartments are okay, but in our room the aircondition is not working as good as possible, so it's REALLY hot in the room, it was really difficult to sleep the first night, swetting the ass off!
Maybe we will get used to soon, I really hope so!

Today we had to put the school uniform on for the first time, and I can tell that the black skirt can be a bit swetty! :D Today we met some of our teachers and saw a thai boxing performance and then we got lunch. After that they gave us a campus tour (1 hour!) which is REALLY big! They have 15 different buildings and 25 000 students, amazing!! :) It's like a small city :D Tonight they are going to have a party for us, nice :D

The school begins on 14th March, now we are thinking of what to do..Maybe a trip somewhere :D Okay now I have to sleep a while before the party, will write soon again!:) Take care!!
Couldn't add any pictures, but I will do that later for sure!

With sunny greetings,